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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 67, Issue 6, pp. 1523-1807

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$P$ Matrix Properties, Injectivity, and Stability in Chemical Reaction Systems

Murad Banaji, Pete Donnell, and Stephen Baigent

pp. 1523-1547

Weak Lacunae of Electromagnetic Waves in Dilute Plasma

S. V. Tsynkov

pp. 1548-1581

Active Control of Sound for Composite Regions

A. W. Peterson and S. V. Tsynkov

pp. 1582-1609

On the Uplink of a Cellular System with Imperfect Power Control and Multiple Services

John A. Morrison and Phil Whiting

pp. 1610-1632

Cavitation on Deformable Glacier Beds

Christian Schoof

pp. 1633-1653

Attractors in Confined Source Problems for Coupled Nonlinear Diffusion

D. V. Strunin

pp. 1654-1674

Numerical Investigation of Cavitation in Multidimensional Compressible Flows

Kristen J. DeVault, Pierre A. Gremaud, and Helge Kristian Jenssen

pp. 1675-1692

Hopf Bifurcation in Differential Equations with Delay for Tumor–Immune System Competition Model

Radouane Yafia

pp. 1693-1703

A Stochastic Model and Associated Fokker–Planck Equation for the Fiber Lay-Down Process in Nonwoven Production Processes

T. Götz, A. Klar, N. Marheineke, and R. Wegener

pp. 1704-1717

Pulse Propagation and Time Reversal in Random Waveguides

Josselin Garnier and George Papanicolaou

pp. 1718-1739

The Dynamics and Interaction of Quantized Vortices in the Ginzburg–Landau–Schrödinger Equation

Yanzhi Zhang, Weizhu Bao, and Qiang Du

pp. 1740-1775

Small- and Waiting-Time Behavior of the Thin-Film Equation

James F. Blowey, John R. King, and Stephen Langdon

pp. 1776-1807